A blog, or a weblog, is simply an online journal. It allows you to record your thoughts, feelings, ideas, and anything else you are interested in and want to share with others.
If you are an online business owner, a blog is far more. A blog will allow you to communicate with your visitors and readers, as well as build a relationship. It also becomes a public relations tool to help you connect with the online community.
There are many advantages to creating a blog. If it's really good, your content will get syndicated on other sites. This will allow you to spread your reach.
Blogs are also dynamic and search engine friendly, so by posting to your blog regularly, you will get a lot of attention from the search engines, and they will keep coming back to spider your blog. This will help you raise your rankings in the search engines. Since blogs tend to rank higher in the search engines compared to other types of scripts this is advantageous for you.
Building a blog allows you to build a website without having to know a whole lot about HTML. If you can copy and paste, you can build a blog. Need to add a subscription box? Then copy and paste.
Blogs are also viral, as well as being interactive. Instead of writing a monologue the way a traditional website is written, you have a chance to carry on a conversation with your readers.
If you want to make money from blogs though, there are several things you will want to do:
1. Choose a blogging platform that is right for you.
Blogger and Wordpress are quite popular if you don't want to host your own. You may want to compare the two as each has its own advantages. If you do decide to host your own, consider Wordpress. It's the most popular, has the most features, and Wordpress blogs tend to rank higher in the search engines than traditional websites.
2. Do your keyword research before building your blog.
You want to make sure there is a market for what you want to write about. You will also want to research affiliate programs to make sure there are products available to sell.
3. Choose a topic you are passionate about.
Remember, how passionate you are about your topic will show. If you're simply writing about your topic because it's easy to monetize, readers will notice, and you will lose them. Besides, don't you want to make money doing something you enjoy?
4. Monetize your blog in as many ways as possible.
If blogging is your primary way of making money, you will want to incorporate as many programs as possible. This means adding pay per click ads, offering advertising, sell your own products or someone else's, and merchandizing. Focus on your content, but you also want to make sure that you mix it up with product reviews and other presell content that will help you make money.
5. Post regularly.
Again, if this is your primary way of making money, then you want to post as much content as possible without overwhelming your readers. Keep your posts relatively short while including valuable information.
Blogging is an easy way to make money. If you are passionate about your topic, it will be easy to write about it. Mix it up with content your readers want to read, and they'll keep coming back.
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