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You are really excited! You have created a blog and started posting. But there is a problem. No one is reading it. How can an audience be found that will actually read what I post about?

Here are a few tips to increase you traffic flow and gain readers:

1. Make sure you use quality content on your blog. When you post something on a blog make sure that it is interesting enough and has a timely manner to it, to keep peoples attention. It is very important to update your blog on a regular basis. Make sure that you use keywords in your content to help you be picked up by search engines.

2. Join relevant blogging communities. See what has worked with other bloggers, and take their advice, dont be afraid to ask questions.

3. Publish RSS/Atom/XML feeds, this is a part of the marketing process. Blogger is a blog hosting site, in which they make it very easy to publish your feeds.

4. Choose the tittles of your subjects and articles carefully. Incorporate into titles the keywords in which you feel potential readers will be searching for. Subscribing to a search reporter such as Word Tracker is sometimes a good idea.This reporter will publish the most popular searches each week, that may help to decide what topics you wane eo include on your blog.

5. Be an active participant in others blogs. Always comment and offer your feedback. Most of the comment features allow you the opportunity to post a link back to your blog, you may catch the interest of the owner or a reader if he or she likes what you have to say.

6. Set up all your email and forum signatures to include a link to your blog. This is a free means of advertising, once you set it up that's it. You have no idea when you may have a potential reader click on your link and be vaccinated by what you have to say.

7. Do plenty of research to find blog directories. Join the directories and list your blog to attract potential readers.

8. Compose articles and then submit them to online article directories. Do an internet search and many, many article directories can be found. In most instances on article directories, you are allowed to have an authors byline at the end of the article.The link back to your blog can be included here.

9. Make sure that after you post to your blog that you use a ping service or the like to let your readers know that the blog has been updated.This can be a gentle reminder that you have something to say.

10. make sure that you place in your blogroll a list of blogs that are your favorites.

When you are commenting on other peoples blogs,this also introduces your blog to others as well. This in turn will lead to your blog being linked by another blog and their readership being introduced to you. On the other hand do not create a huge blogroll just for the sake of tiring to get links to someone else.This practice of having a huge blogroll can be very annoying to readers.

One thing to remember is that a solid reader base does not happen overnight. It wil take a little time to get to know people and what they are interested in, before you make become successful with your blog. Spend time in the blogosphere making comments and getting to know other writers. Just have fun and allow you blog to grow naturally. Blogs are wonderful marketing tools,they are also great tools for social networking and a good way to create friendships. With some effort and a little time, your readership will develop into loyal, interested friends.

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